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11 March 2025 (Tuesday)
Guys, You Want to Make US $4 Million?
I Need A Team Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
By Wendell Minnick (Whiskey Mike) 顏文德
TAIPEI - How can the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) and U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) even imagine that someone collect US $4 million for these two cyber criminals living comfortably in Shanghai?
Am I supposed to gather a team of Ninja and Shaolin Monk assassins to infiltrate the rugged shores of Shanghai via black rubber boat, find the brothel/cyber debauchery, then kidnap them?
And what great aliases: “Cold Face” and “YKCAI”. What the hell kind of bad guy names are these? Not exactly “Scar Face” and “Yankee-Killer”.
Am I one of the X-Men, or Guardians of Galaxy, or a member of the Team of Extraordinary Gentlemen or even Blackwater?
So, please, DoJ cut it out! No one is going to get these guys, no matter how much money you offer.
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