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11 March 2025 (Tuesday)
Guys, You Want to Make US $4 Million?
I Need A Team Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
By Wendell Minnick (Whiskey Mike) 顏文德
TAIPEI - How can the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) and U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) even imagine that someone collect US $4 million for these two cyber criminals living comfortably in Shanghai?
Am I supposed to gather a team of Ninja and Shaolin Monk assassins, along with my good friend Scott Sommers, to infiltrate the rugged shores of Shanghai via black rubber boat, find the brothel/cyber debauchery, then kidnap them?
And what great aliases: “Cold Face” and “YKCAI”. What the hell kind of bad guy names are these? Not exactly “Scar Face” and “Yankee-Killer”.
Am I one of the X-Men, or Guardians of Galaxy, or member of A Team of Extraordinary Gentlemen or even Blackwater?
So, please, DoJ cut it out!
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