Chinese Gun Boats and No Diplomacy - 2/2
PART 2/2: Chinese Insertion Boats, High-Speed and Unique, for Coast Guard and Special Operations, including Swarming Missions

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Chinese Gun Boats and No Diplomacy - 2/2
PART 2: Chinese Insertion Boats, High-Speed and Unique, for Coast Guard and Special Operations, including Swarming Missions
By Wendell Minnick (Whiskey Mike) 顏文德
TAIPEI - Obviously this is Part 2/2 of the Chinese Gun Boats posting from 19 November 2022.
As previously stated in Part 1:
These unique brochures highlight what types of vessels are used to harass the U.S. Naval treading through the South China Sea, what will be used to insert Chinese special operation teams along the Taiwan coast during a war, and why the variety of such vessels makes for tough countermeasures for Japan guarding the Senkaku Islets and the Ryukyu Islands from China.
Some of the boats are no bigger than the PBR (Patrol Boat Riverine) in the movie Apocalypse Now, while others are roughly the same size, 150-foot, as the gun boat in The Sand Pebbles.
With Chinese military bases and port facilities being built in Africa, perhaps China’s military leadership should take Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness truly to heart: “It was written I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice.”
NOTE TO RESEARCHERS: This post is keyworded to allow for easier research. These documents are rare and difficult to catalog (just key Find in your web browser). Researchers are allowed to copy photographs for their own publications, so long as China In Arms receives accreditation via bibliography/footnote/endnote, beers, etc.
Documents are provided chronologically according to the most recent: 2018 Defense Services Asia (DSA) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2016 China Airshow (Zhuhai); 2015 International Maritime Defense Exhibition (IMDEX) in Singapore; and 2014 DSA (as Part 1 demonstrated).
Vessels of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) will be presented at a later date, BUT those interested in Chinese Unmanned Sea Vessels, consult this page.
Brochure bundled books on Chinese naval issues: Chinese Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (2019); Chinese Submarines and Underwater Warfare Systems (2019); and Chinese Seaplanes, Amphibious Aircraft and Aerostats/Airships (2016).
2016 Airshow China (Zhuhai Airshow).
High Speed High Performance Boats Manufacturer (HiSIBI); ShenZhen HiSpeed Boats Technology Co., Ltd.

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