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21 December 2024 (Tuesday)
China Is Going To Go For It!
Sarah Paine Lays Down the Law
By Wendell Minnick (Whiskey Mike) 顏文德
TAIPEI - One of my favorite historians is Sarah Paine at the U.S. Naval War College. She, unlike so many so-called experts on China/Taiwan, actually studied in both China and Taiwan on fellowships.
I just saw this clip and it feels like the same exhaustive statements I have made continuously over the past few years. I am often poo-pooed for my warnings.
And for those who argue I have not left Taiwan yet, you are wrong. I just came back from the U.S. after 3 months to set the stage for an eventual evacuation of my family so they can hit the ground running in America with school, job, banking, etc.
But I am warning you that no matter what year China makes the move, it will begin when the tides are perfect.
This will begin in the Spring (Tomb Sweeping) with a possible air/sea blockade, then in the summer with air strikes on critical command and control nodes, then finally an amphibious invasion in the Autumn (Ghost Month).
China will begin slowly, in my opinion, giving the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) time to humiliate themselves in a vain attempt to negotiate, but Xi Jinping will be trolling the DPP for fun. China does not recognize the DPP and will refuse to coordinate with anyone but the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).
Xi actually needs an invasion to solidify China’s reputation as a “Great Power” on par with the U.S. And after the raping and pillaging are done and with the DPP elites executed, it would not surprise me if a KMT leader is made “Provincial Governor” of Taiwan.
Mao’s portrait will be taken down at Tiananmen and Xi’s hoisted as the Father of Modern China. And Xi is not getting younger. This is a “man” thing. And he is an Alpha Male; red in tooth and claw.